Day 1

July 24, 2024

Welcome to Q2B24 Tokyo

Matt Johnson

QC Ware
Remarks from US Ambassador to Japan

Ambassador Rahm Emanuel

Frontline Quantum: Recent Advances and Insights

Eric Holland

Keysight Technologies

Nash Palaniswamy


Yuval Boger

QuEra Computing Inc.

中土井 利行 /
Toshiyuki Nakadoi

株式会社 Quemix / Quemix Inc.
Harnessing Utility for Quantum Advantage

Jay Gambetta

FTQCで変わる未来のシミュレーション・機械学習 〜 始まったFTQCの実証 〜 / The Future of Simulation and Machine Learning Transformed by FTQC 〜 FTQC Demonstration Has Begun 〜

松下 雄一郎 /
Yu-ichiro Matsushita

株式会社 Quemix / Quemix Inc.
Accelerating Quantum Innovation with Keysight

Clayton Crocker

Keysight Technologies
Transforming the Path to Quantum Advantage with Quantum Infrastructure Software: from Optimization to Error Correction

Dr. Michael J. Biercuk

The Science of Success: Taking businesses from Research to Revenue

William Hurley

Strangeworks, Inc
Pushing Forward for Quantum Avantage with Error Mitigation and HPC

Netanel Lindner

Qedma Quantum Computing

医者 清司 柚木 /
D. Eng. Seiji Yunoki

理研 / Riken
Charting Your Path to Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing with Quantinuum

Nash Palaniswamy


Computing Track

Very Large Scale Design Software for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing

Tommaso Demarie

Entropica Labs
Quantum Value Unlocked: Applications and Opportunities with Neutral Atoms

Jean-Charles Cabelguen

The Carbon Nanotube Pathway to Scaled Quantum Computing

Pierre Desjardins

Can We Run Fault Tolerant Shor’s Algorithm in the Near Term?

Dr. Yonatan Cohen

Quantum Machines
Quantum and HPC Panel

Yuval Boger

QuEra Computing Inc.

高野 了成 / Ryousei Takano

開発グローバル研究センター / AIST / G-QuAT

Oktay Goktas


Elica Kyoseva

Cutting-Edge Industry-Academia Collaboration Towards the FTQC Era

寺部 雅能 / Masayoshi Terabe

デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング / Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, LLC

教授 藤堂 眞治 /
Professor Synge Todo

東京大学 / The University of Tokyo

Takuya Kitagawa

QuEra Computing Inc.

高 玘 / Qi Gao

三菱ケミカル株式会社 / Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

松下 雄一郎 /
Yu-ichiro Matsushita

株式会社 Quemix / Quemix Inc.

Communications & Sensing Track

Entangled Photon Communication

Bruno Sanglé-Ferrière

Carrousel Digital Limited
Distributed Quantum Computing Enabled by an Entanglement Fabric

Carmen Palacios

Nu Quantum
Quantum Repeaters for Long-Distance Quantum Communication / 長距離量子通信に向けた量子中継器

望月 裕也 / Yuya Mochizuki

LQUOM株式会社 / LQUOM, Inc.
Lasers for Quantum Technology

Lute Maleki

OEwaves, Inc.
Quantum-Secure Communications Panel

Steve Suarez

HorizonX Consulting

松枝 洋平 / Yohei Matsueda

三菱商事ロンドン支店 / Mitsubishi Corporation London Branch

Teik Guan Tan


Stefan Natu

New Faces Panel

古賀 純隆 / Sumitaka Koga

株式会社Quanmatic / Quanmatic, Inc.

Nardo Manaloto

Qubits Ventures

Dimitris Angelakis

AngelIQ Quantum Computing

Shannon Whitlock


Startup Track

Start Up Pitch Sessions Brought to you by QAI Ventures

Teik Guan Tan

Start Up Pitch Sessions Brought to you by QAI Ventures

Dave Kwon

Quantum Intelligence, Corp.

Day 2

July 25, 2024

Applications of Quantum Computing / 量子コンピューティングの応用

教授 山本 直樹 /
Professor Naoki Yamamoto

慶應義塾大学 / Keio University
Google Quantum AI: Overview and Quantum Algorithms Research

Stephen Jordan

Quantum Transformation by Sumitomo Corporation

岡崎 裕介 / Yusuke Okazaki

住友商事株式会社 / Sumitomo Corporation
Quantum AI Infrastructure through Integration of Quantum Computers and HPC / 量子コンピュータとHPCの統合による量子AI基盤

教授 藤堂 眞治 /
Professor Synge Todo

東京大学 / The University of Tokyo
A Path to Utility-Scale Photonic Quantum Computing

Geoff Pryde

Classiq: The Gateway to Quantum

Nir Minerbi

Recent Highlights in Quantum Computing at Fujitsu

佐藤 信太郎 / Dr. Shintaro Sato

富士通株式会社 / Fujitsu Limited
Harnessing the Power of AI, High-Performance and Quantum Computing for Next-Generation Applications

William Cunningham

QuEra’s Path to Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers / QuEraによる誤り耐性量子コンピューターへの道

Takuya Kitagawa

QuEra Computing Inc.
Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Advantage in Quantum Algorithms

教授 フランソワ ルガル / Professor Francois Le Gall

名古屋大学 / Nagoya University

QC Hardware & Software Track

How Customers are Exploring Quantum Computing in the Cloud

Yoshitaka Haribara

Amazon Web Services Japan
Microwave Metrology for Quantum Computing

Dr. Manoj Stanley

National Physical Laboratory, UK
Korean Quantum Industry Ecosystem and Introduction of Future Quantum Convergence Forum (FQCF)

Taesik Choi

Future Quantum Convergence Forum (FQCF)
Unlocking Quantum Capabilities through Colocation and QCaaS

Simon Phillips

Vectors Driving the Impending Wave of Silicon Quantum Computing

Jason Lynch

Product Plan & Tackling Use Cases about Finance Drug Discovery, Logistics, Energy Management /

綿引 賢 / Masaru Watabiki

東芝デジタルソリューションズ株式会社 / Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation
Empowering Quantum Developers from Design to Control: Latest Features in Keysight Quantum Solutions

菊地 賢次 / Kenji Kikuchi

キーサイト・テクノロジー株式会社 /
Keysight Technologies
Introducing MIMIQ – The World’s Most Powerful Virtual Quantum Computer

Shannon Whitlock


Government & Analyst Track

METI’s Quantum Initiatives and Related NEDO Projects / 経済産業省における量子技術への取組と関連NEDOプロジェクト

真人 田中 / Masahito Tanaka

経済産業省 /
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Towards the Future Quantum Economy

岡田 俊輔 / Shunsuke Okada

Q-STAR / Quantum STrategic industry Alliance for Revolution (Q-STAR)
Exploring the Frontiers of Quantum Computing in India through National Quantum Mission

Dr. Shyam Krishan Joshi

AI Research Centre, Woxsen University
Today’s Outlook for the Quantum Computing Market

Eitoku Watanabe

Boston Consulting Group
The Upcoming Competition Between NISQ and FTQC

Doug Finke

Global Quantum Intelligence (GQI)
Quantum Computing Landscape

Victor Yin

Launching a Cutting-Edge Quantum Computing Center

Gilad Ben Shach

Quantum Machines / IQCC
Korea’s Quantum Technology: Innovation and Growth

Brad Kim


Case Studies Track

Industry-Level Quantum Computing Solutions / 産業レベル量子コンピューティングソリューション

堀部 雅弘 / Masahiro Horibe

Accelerating Scientific Discovery through Reliable Quantum Computing

Naoyuki Isogai

Microsoft Azure

Nash Palaniswamy

The Promise of Quantum Computing Technology to Accelerate the Research and Development of Innovative New Materials

西 紘史 / Hirofumi Nishi

株式会社 Quemix / Quemix Inc.

青柳 岳司 / Takeshi Aoyagi

旭化成 株式会社 / Asahi Kasei Corporation
Management Improvement in Mobility Business of Sumitomo / 総合商社モビリティ事業におけるバリューアップ

博士 坂本 大 /
PhD. Eng. Masaru Sakamoto

住友商事株式会社 / Sumitomo Corporation
Quantum Kernel Learning for Network Service Fault Diagnosis

Hiroshi Yamauchi

SoftBank Corp.

Aravind Ratnam

Accelerating Materials Discovery with Quantum Computing

高 玘 / Qi Gao

三菱ケミカル株式会社 /
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Tensor Network and Quantum Computing / テンソルネットワークと量子計算

大久保 毅 /
Professor Tsuyoshi Okubo

東京大学 / The University of Tokyo
Quantum Generative Modelling and its Applications

Ross Grassie

Quantum Software Laboratory
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