(Sustainability / SmartCity) / Large Cap

Hidetaka Takano, Manager, Chodai Corporation Kazunori Mori, General Manager of Smart Society Business Development Department, Toyota Tsusho Yusuke Okazaki, Senior Manager, Sumitomo Corp. Hitoshi Kawahara, PhD; General Manager, ITOCHU Techno-Solutioons […]

Automotive Panel

Takanori Ide, Senior Specilaist, AISIN Corporation Hirokazu Sato, Technology Specialist, Bridgestone Corporation Nobuko Ohba, Research-Domain Leader, Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. Tomohiro Terazono, Director, Deloitte Tohmatsu  

Quantum Computing Landscape

This presentation explores the current landscape of quantum computing, highlighting its potential and challenges. It provides an overview of recent advancements, applications, and the impact of quantum computing on various […]

Neutral Atoms Powering Quantum Computers

Gate-based quantum computers have recently become widespread, and accessible to all via the cloud. However, in this NISQ computing era, systems are limited in size and capacity in such a […]

Atomic Arrays for Scalable Quantum Computing

Atom Computing’s atomic array devices accelerate the path toward large-scale, gate-based quantum computers. In this talk we will provide a high-level overview of Atom Computing’s technology and vision for the […]

The Roadmap to Quantum Supercomputing

Realizing the potential of quantum computing will require and leverage high performance computing and AI. From powerful simulation to enable algorithms research to hybrid applications, from calibration and control to […]

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