Diamond Sensing for the Future of Exploration

SBQuantum is Building Quantum Magnetics for Earth and Space, combining leading edge hardware in the field of quantum sensing with advanced interpretation and compensation algorithms to bring magnetics to new […]

WEF/ GESDA and the Open Quantum Institute

This presentation will briefly outline the important elements of the recently published “Quantum Economy Blueprint” by the World Economic Forum. The report encourages global collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, […]

HQI – France Hybrid HPC Quantum Initiative

Coupling supercomputers with various quantum computing technologies is an exciting challenge that is being addressed at multiple scales and along different perspectives by the HQI initiative in France. I will […]

The Road to Quantum Computing Scalability, from QEC to FTQC

In this keynote, Olivier Ezratty will highlight the recent advances and many challenges ahead with building large scale fault-tolerant quantum computers, including the intertwining between quantum error correction codes (surface […]

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