The Roadmap to Quantum Value

We're excited to host you all at Q2B Tokyo in 2025!

The conference will be held exclusively in-person and presented in Japanese and English, with real-time interpretation.

Start time
8:00 am
Grand Hyatt
Presented by:
Q2B is the global stage for quantum innovation, bringing together visionaries, researchers, and industry leaders to drive breakthroughs and shape the future of technology.

Quantum Technology Themes

On premises Quantum Computer
Error Correction
Quantum AI
Communications & Security
Sensing & Timing

NEW! Present your industry quantum case study at Q2B

Introducing the Q2B Quantum Case Study Showcase! Find out how to get an invitation to give a talk at Q2B.

$100K Quantum Startup Pitch Competition

Presented by:

Join the Q2B23 Silicon Valley Startup Pitch Competition organized by Qubits Ventures*. Any startup with a focus on Quantum technologies and computing in seed or pre-seed stage can participate.Seven finalists will be selected to pitch in person at the Santa Clara Convention Center on December 6th, 2023. Finalists will also benefit from a full Q2B23 free pass for their speaker.

The deadline to submit a pitch for consideration is Wednesday, November 15, 2023. Qubits Ventures shall explore a potential investment of $100,000 with the winner of the pitch competition.

*Terms and conditions to participate shall apply.

Featured speakers



Agenda at a glance

Day 1
May 15, 2025
Time / 時間 Session / セッション
AM - 1 / 午前-1 Keynotes / 基調スピーチ
AM Coffee Break / 午前休憩 Coffee Break / 休憩
AM - 2 / 午前-2 Keynotes / 基調スピーチ
Lunch Break / お昼休憩 Lunch Break / お昼休憩
PM - 1 / 午後-1 Quantum Computing / 量子コンピュータ
Comms & Security & Sensing / 通信、セキュリティ、センサ
PM Coffee Break / 午後休憩 Coffee Break / 休憩
PM - 2 / 午後-2 Quantum Computing / 量子コンピュータ
Comms & Security & Sensing / 通信、セキュリティ、センサ
5pm / 17:00 Networking Happy Hour at Exhibition Area / 展示エリアにてネットワーキングハッピーアワー
Day 2
May 16, 2025
Time / 時間 Session / セッション
AM - 1 / 午前-1 Keynotes / 基調スピーチ
AM Coffee Break / 午前休憩 Coffee Break / 休憩
AM - 2 / 午前-2 Keynotes / 基調スピーチ
Lunch Break / お昼休憩 Lunch Break / お昼休憩
PM - 1 / 午後-1
Quantum in the HPC Center / 高性能計算センターにおける量子技術 Governments & Analysts / 政府と分析者
Case Studies / ケーススタディ Case Studies / ケーススタディ
PM Coffee Break / 午後休憩 Coffee Break / 休憩
PM - 2 / 午後-2
Quantum AI & Error Correction / 量子人工知能における誤り訂正 Governments & Analysts / 政府と分析者
Case Studies / ケーススタディ Case Studies / ケーススタディ
5pm / 17:00 Closing Keynote / 締めのスピーチ


May 15, 2025

Session track
8:00 am
8:55 am
Networking Breakfast
8:55 am
9:00 am
Welcome to Q2B25 Tokyo
Matt Johnson
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
9:00 am
9:10 am
Presented by Jingo Kikukawa
Jingo Kikukawa
Director-General, Innovation and Environment Policy Bureau
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
9:20 am
9:40 am
Presented by Quemix
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
9:40 am
10:00 am
Presented by Quantinuum
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
10:20 am
10:50 am
Networking Coffee Break Sponsored by Quantinuum
10:50 am
11:10 am
Making Photonic Quantum Computation Scalable Using Single Atom
Realizing the full benefits of quantum computing requires the development of large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers, where photonics emerges as the most promising approach to accomplish this objective. One of the major hurdles in realizing large-scale photonic quantum computers lies in the generation of single photons and entangling gates. Quantum Source has developed a unique solution that significantly outperforms conventional methods in terms of efficiency, enabling the development of quantum computers with millions of qubits operating at room temperature.
Oded Melamed
CEO & Co founder
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
11:50 am
12:10 am
Presented by Qedma
D. Eng. Seiji Yunoki
Team Leader
Netanel Lindner
Prof. of Physics, Co founder & CTO
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:20 pm
Lessons learned: Navigating the Quantum Security Landscape at Fidelity Investments
Although quantum security technologies already can be applied for the long-term protection of valuable assets, current level of their implementation enables limited support for building quantum ready enterprise security systems. This presentation describes: + implementation of specific uses cases where we were able to successfully apply both QKD and PQC for securing data and processes. + integration of quantum security solutions into the enterprise infrastructure. + challenges we encountered along the road and how we addressed them. + rationale for the custom implementation of the hybrid of the key management system (KMS).
Vladimir Tsitrin
Quantum Security Research Lead
Communications, Sensing & Security
Tarragon Room
2:00 pm
2:20 pm
The Integrated Diamond Quantum Chip Revolution
Diamond quantum technologies are differentiated by the diversity of their applications across sensing, computing and communications and potential to deliver miniaturized mass-deployable devices to mass markets. Over the last 5 years, there has been a dramatic growth of the diamond quantum industry and an acceleration of the technology. Key to the future of diamond quantum technologies is the development of the integrated diamond quantum chip, which is the core focus of Quantum Brilliance and a profound opportunity for Japan.
Marcus Doherty
Co founder & CTO
Quantum Computing
Keynote Room
2:20 pm
2:40 pm
Presented by Classiq
Nir Minerbi
CEO & Co founder
Quantum Computing
Keynote Room
3:20 pm
3:50 pm
Networking Coffee Break
3:50 pm
4:10 pm
Harnessing Quantum Sensing for National Security
Quantum clocks and sensors can provide highly precise timing and navigation in GPS-denied environments, but their widespread adoption is hindered by technical, economic, and policy bottlenecks. This presentation will examine strategies for governments to accelerate the development and deployment of quantum sensors to bolster national security applications in defense and critical infrastructure.
Constanza Vidal Bustamente
Fellow, Technology and National Security
Communications, Sensing & Security
Tarragon Room
4:30 pm
4:50 pm
Low Noise Technologies for Quantum Computing
We will introduce low-noise DC power supplies, low-noise voltage/current sources, and low-noise amplifiers that support quantum computing. By utilizing analog circuit technologies, we have achieved excellent low noise performance.
Takehito Kamimura
Technical specialist
Quantum Computing
Keynote Room
5:10 pm
6:10 pm

May 16, 2025

Session track
8:00 am
8:55 am
Networking Breakfast
9:00 am
9:05 am
Welcome to Q2B25 Tokyo Presented by Quemix
Yu-ichiro Matsushita
CEO & President
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
9:05 am
9:25 am
Creating Quantum Market and Ecosystem
Exploring the prospects and challenges of establishing an ecosystem for the creation of quantum market.
Taro Shimada
Chair of the Board
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
10:05 am
10:25 am
The Future of Quantum Industry: Challenges, Innovations, and Creation
Seiji Kihara
Member of the House of Representatives /Chairperson, Election Strategy Committee
Yoshihiro Maeda
Chief Growth Officer
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
10:25 am
10:55 am
Networking Coffee Break
11:55 am
12:15 pm
Orienteering for the Quantum Age: Delivering Quantum Advantage in GPS-denied Navigation
Dr. Michael J. Biercuk
CEO & Co founder
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
12:35 pm
2:05 pm
2:05 pm
2:25 pm
Presented by AIST / G-QuAT
Masahiro Horibe
Deputy Director
Government & Analysts
Coriander Room
2:25 pm
2:45 pm
Quantum Extreme Learning Machines: Industrial and Societal Applications
Quantum Extreme Learning Machines (QELMs) adapt classical extreme learning machines for quantum computing, offering faster training with fewer features and potentially improved accuracy. This talk presents the applications of QELMs in an industrial caseand two real-world systems from the Norwegian public sector (Cancer Registry and Oslo City). It also discusses challenges, future research directions, and other planned applications.
Shaukat Ali
Head of Department/Chief Research Scientist/Research Professor
Industry Case Studies
Keynote Room
2:45 pm
3:05 pm
Building Quantum Readiness: Lessons from the UK National Quantum Computing Centre
As quantum computing progresses toward real-world impact, ensuring industry and government readiness is paramount. This talk explores lessons from the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC), highlighting key strategies for fostering adoption, identifying and addressing barriers, and aligning quantum capabilities with end-user needs to build a resilient quantum ecosystem.
Sonali Mohapatra
Quantum Innovation Sector Lead
Government & Analysts
Coriander Room
2:45 pm
3:05 pm
Q4Bio: A $50M Supported Challenge Program to Accelerate the Use of Quantum Technology to Human Health
I shall present the update of the Q4Bio program which is a $50M supported challenge program.
Shihan Sajeed
Program Director
Industry Case Studies
Keynote Room
3:05 pm
3:25 pm
Quantum Technology Landscape
This presentation delves into the evolving landscape of quantum technology, examining its transformative potential and the challenges that lie ahead. It provides a comprehensive overview of recent breakthroughs, real-world applications, and their implications across various industries. Additionally, it explores emerging research directions and future prospects, shedding light on the trajectory of this rapidly advancing field.
Tatsuo Nakamura
CEO & President & Founder
Government & Analysts
Coriander Room
3:25 pm
3:55 pm
Networking Coffee Break
4:15 pm
4:35 pm
Quantum Computing Use Cases: Many More than You Might Have Expected
GQI has created an extensive data base consisting of hundreds of potential applications for quantum computing showing where this technology could be used. We have classified these use cases according to a number of different attributes including industry, problem area, algorithm, speedup potential, performance requirements, potential market size, etc. This presentation will provide a summary of our findings from this study.
Doug Finke
Chief Content Officer
Quantum Computing
Keynote Room
5:05 pm
6:05 pm
Closing Fireside Chat
Matt Johnson
Taro Shimada
Chair of the Board
Yu-ichiro Matsushita
CEO & President
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room

Session track
8:00 am
8:55 am
Networking Breakfast
9:00 am
9:05 am
Welcome to Q2B25 Tokyo Presented by Quemix
Yu-ichiro Matsushita
CEO & President
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
9:05 am
9:25 am
Creating Quantum Market and Ecosystem
Exploring the prospects and challenges of establishing an ecosystem for the creation of quantum market.
Taro Shimada
Chair of the Board
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
10:05 am
10:25 am
The Future of Quantum Industry: Challenges, Innovations, and Creation
Seiji Kihara
Member of the House of Representatives /Chairperson, Election Strategy Committee
Yoshihiro Maeda
Chief Growth Officer
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
10:25 am
10:55 am
Networking Coffee Break
11:55 am
12:15 pm
Orienteering for the Quantum Age: Delivering Quantum Advantage in GPS-denied Navigation
Dr. Michael J. Biercuk
CEO & Co founder
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
12:35 pm
2:05 pm
2:05 pm
2:25 pm
Presented by AIST / G-QuAT
Masahiro Horibe
Deputy Director
Government & Analysts
Coriander Room
2:25 pm
2:45 pm
Quantum Extreme Learning Machines: Industrial and Societal Applications
Quantum Extreme Learning Machines (QELMs) adapt classical extreme learning machines for quantum computing, offering faster training with fewer features and potentially improved accuracy. This talk presents the applications of QELMs in an industrial caseand two real-world systems from the Norwegian public sector (Cancer Registry and Oslo City). It also discusses challenges, future research directions, and other planned applications.
Shaukat Ali
Head of Department/Chief Research Scientist/Research Professor
Industry Case Studies
Keynote Room
2:45 pm
3:05 pm
Building Quantum Readiness: Lessons from the UK National Quantum Computing Centre
As quantum computing progresses toward real-world impact, ensuring industry and government readiness is paramount. This talk explores lessons from the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC), highlighting key strategies for fostering adoption, identifying and addressing barriers, and aligning quantum capabilities with end-user needs to build a resilient quantum ecosystem.
Sonali Mohapatra
Quantum Innovation Sector Lead
Government & Analysts
Coriander Room
2:45 pm
3:05 pm
Q4Bio: A $50M Supported Challenge Program to Accelerate the Use of Quantum Technology to Human Health
I shall present the update of the Q4Bio program which is a $50M supported challenge program.
Shihan Sajeed
Program Director
Industry Case Studies
Keynote Room
3:05 pm
3:25 pm
Quantum Technology Landscape
This presentation delves into the evolving landscape of quantum technology, examining its transformative potential and the challenges that lie ahead. It provides a comprehensive overview of recent breakthroughs, real-world applications, and their implications across various industries. Additionally, it explores emerging research directions and future prospects, shedding light on the trajectory of this rapidly advancing field.
Tatsuo Nakamura
CEO & President & Founder
Government & Analysts
Coriander Room
3:25 pm
3:55 pm
Networking Coffee Break
4:15 pm
4:35 pm
Quantum Computing Use Cases: Many More than You Might Have Expected
GQI has created an extensive data base consisting of hundreds of potential applications for quantum computing showing where this technology could be used. We have classified these use cases according to a number of different attributes including industry, problem area, algorithm, speedup potential, performance requirements, potential market size, etc. This presentation will provide a summary of our findings from this study.
Doug Finke
Chief Content Officer
Quantum Computing
Keynote Room
5:05 pm
6:05 pm
Closing Fireside Chat
Matt Johnson
Taro Shimada
Chair of the Board
Yu-ichiro Matsushita
CEO & President
Plenary Talks
Keynote Room
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